主演:小西克幸 古屋亚南 



更新:2023-12-23 07:12:11








OVERTAKE! Driving on the highway can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to overtaking other vehicles. In order to safely overtake, there are certain rules and techniques that must be followed. Here are some tips to help you overtake safely and efficiently: Firstly, it is important to maintain a safe distance between you and the vehicle in front of you. This will give you enough time to react if the other vehicle suddenly slows down or stops. Additionally, when overtaking, make sure that you leave enough space between your vehicle and the vehicle you are overtaking. This will ensure that you have enough space to manoeuvre and avoid collisions. Secondly, always use your indicators when changing lanes. This will alert other drivers of your intention to overtake, and they can adjust their driving accordingly. Remember to signal well in advance to give other drivers enough notice. Thirdly, never overtake on a solid white line. These lines indicate that it is unsafe to overtake, and you could be risking your life and the lives of others by ignoring them. Always wait for a broken line or use designated overtaking lanes when available. Fourthly, keep an eye on your speed when overtaking. Make sure that you are not going too fast, as this can be dangerous and could result in a collision. It is also important to ensure that you are not going too slow, as this can be frustrating to other drivers and cause unnecessary delays. Finally, always be aware of your surroundings when overtaking. Look out for other vehicles that may be overtaking at the same time, and be prepared to adjust your speed or manoeuvre if necessary. Stay focused and alert, and never become distracted or complacent while driving on the highway. In conclusion, overtaking can be a safe and efficient way of getting where you need to go on the highway. By following these tips and techniques, you can ensure that you overtake safely and avoid unnecessary collisions and accidents. Remember, safety should always be your top priority when driving on the road.